Reverse Exchange to Chile

From May 7th to May 18th, Desde Fuera del Centro collaborated on a project with Anna Fraley Kimmell, Director of Education at The Arkansas Repertory Theatre. This project was made possible by the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) that works to connect young leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, and innovators across Latin America and the Caribbean.
The objective over the two weeks was to integrate contemporary music and movement in engaging workshops for rural, underserved students and teachers in Los Andes, Chile.
During these two weeks we:
- Gave a lecture for English Pedagogy Students and the Ambassador to Chile, Carol Perez.
- Implemented 4 workshops to 45 elementary students.
- Led a teacher training workshop for arts integration.
Funding for the reverse exchange program has been provided by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs via Meridian International Center as the implementing partner.